Welcome to The Whiteforest Hotel. Poster: Arild Danielsen/Henrik Wold Kraglund

torsdag 27. januar 2011

mandag 24. januar 2011


Getting closer!

Today was the day for real gratitude. I´m so thrilled by the very good people I work with. We´ve set all the scenes and are ready to just go on with run-throughs. After rehearsing a lot, doing a intervjue, planning where the car will stay, we got back to the first part of the building, seeing the most beautiful work of light!! Jørgen has done a great job, and together with Erik they rock the planet of nice art-works!!


Thank you Morten, Kristina, Erik, Leon og Jørgen.

søndag 23. januar 2011

Today. Sunday 23.01

We have been working in the dark!! Wao, that was a bit scary, I have to admit..
The children from the theatre-group were brilliant, and very courious about the cake. We all look forward to the smell of chocolate coming to the top floor, and the lovely coffe-smell at the other end of the building.

Today was the day of schoolroompratice, the wall of Freds memories and the room with all the feelings and all the letters.

The windows are blackened, the scenography are beautiful and all we think of is the acting and the actual guiding of 30 people..

Soon check-in time!!

fredag 21. januar 2011

The Jeep. Black.


We´re in need of wheels to a car like this. Jeep Cherokee. Anyone?

After todays rehearsels, this is a nice one.. BJØRK.


we did have the best party ever, didn´t we?

The Birthdayroom

"Jeg hadde ei venninne som jeg har kjent
siden vi var veldig små
Vi pleide å snakke på telefonen
verden åpnet seg i all sin prakt
en liten stemme inni meg sa
åh, åh, åh
jeg kjenner deg, kjenner deg fra drømmene mine"


"jeg kjenner deg, har kjent deg alltid
trenger ingen forklaring
du vet det. jeg vet det.
jeg gjorde ikke motstand.
Rådyret lå så stille”

onsdag 19. januar 2011


“Etter taushet og klamrende utilpasshet skjer det noe, hun snakker. Løsrevne ord, en underlig poesi. Jeg lager først kalde setninger ut av ordene, så varmes jeg og pennen glir mellom mitt blikk på hennes kropp og hennes ord til meg. “

“Det blir vakkert mellom oss, vi er ute og spaserer og lengter etter varmen den andre kan gi. Det er kaldt og kinnene er røde, et sted under alt sammen er der hvor vi skal. Jeg skriver på trærne, på bakken, på ryggen hennes. Hun pumper blod til alle stedene jeg ikke har vært. Jeg fyller hele rommet med ord. Gardinet blir et brudeslør, hun er hvit vakker brud og jeg gråter. Legger meg på panseret. Rister av gråt og lunken, men likevel hengiven glede.”

“Hvordan nærmer man seg?”

Of course! This is the ultimate inspiration. Heartbeats!

tirsdag 18. januar 2011

Drawing Restraint 9 Trailer: Director's Commentary

They want me to follow.

They are both dressed in white skirts, too big for them, and with a cruel hair. They have dressed up for this journey. Big white skirts, boots, and this cruel hair. They reach out their hands, wanting me to follow them.

They throw frosty dust along the little road they´re walking. Butterflies swin in the dim to catch them. They shake they´re hair, the dust floats silently in the air. Butterflies never reach their moments, they are stopped completely. The girls pick grapes, apples and flowers. Puts them in a basket, an old brown heavy one. They do a table ready for dining, pour wine in tall glasses. They are so young, these two little girls. They eat, laugh, its like watching an old silent dark movie.
Someone goes to sleep. I never see them again.

directly after the car-crash:

Shirin Neshat.

Me and my Twinsister:

It was really late and the accident had just happened. I needed some air.

I was standing there, a bit away from the car, the threes around me, some light from the moon hit the ground. I felt you there. You´re the ghost of all my doings, everything I feel you feel, I can´t breath I can´t have you always waiting, asking, you´re like a shadow. I drown in your hands. This is what I did this night, if I remember it right. I killed my shadow. Twin. Sister.

It happended more or less like this:

I turned to you. Took a good grip around your black hair. Your hair is long, beautiful, hanging down along your white back. I held it so tight. My fingers desperate.

”I don´t know what to do”, you whispered.

” I take you down to the ground, I´m very friendly, make your hair look good at you. I breathe your air. Fill my lungs and enjoy the smell of nature and dried flowers before I open my eyes and then I will drag you down in the water. Your face down. ”

She: ” I don´t resist”

Me: ” I take you up again. Look at your wet face, mouth opens. I´ll let you eat as much air you can get, before I drag you down again in the water”

She thinks: ”Now, I´m very afraid, this is not love.”

She also whispers after lying on the ground for a while: I will just lay here. I see you have mud on your fingers. We get up. Get up! And then we go silently to each our directions. I go to the river.

I answar: I go back to the car.

mandag 17. januar 2011

I got this letter today:

(Rakel Pedersen from LOOP LOOP LOOPs show "Kjærlighetshagen" at Svinør this summer.
photo: Rolf Steinar Bergli)

I have to write the letter in norwegian, sorry!

"Kjære Sigrid. Hvorfor er du ikke her? Vi kan bruke hele kvelden sammen, tas over fjell og kastes i daler når ensomhetens sukk legger seg som tåke rundt våre føtter. La det komme, vi vet jo det. Fremover og langsetter nytelsens krybbe. Der ble vi født på ny mens rytmen seilte oss sammen til en bylt av hud. Jeg ser gjennom ditt øye, skjønnheten lyser ut og hilser alle inn. Ansiktet ditt samler seg på midten mens hendene dine ser meg og stryker fløyel over åpne sår. Sårene legger seg utenpå huden og vil hoppe av, de behøves ikke mer, deres påminnelser og styrke er svekket og akseptert. De blir borte.
De ligger tilbake på asfalten og stekes i den sorte panna en solskinnsdag. Noen trår på dem med nakne sommerføtter, knuses på kanten som et egg og blir spist av sultne løver som trenger inspirasjon. Jeg er sikker på det trengs. Jeg er lykkelig og deler denne duften. Av stekt ensomhet langs vår overflate der vi flyter oppå hverandre langt ute i horisontens bue."

I screamed: Show it to me!

søndag 16. januar 2011

Carpark North - Human

Another one of Martin de Thurahs nice work.


Ser du bort fra dette, langt bort
våger deg nær
den vakreste skapning ligge beundrende mot deg
yndige øyne, smelter du bort i den myke gråbrune fløyelspelsen

omrisset av opplevelsen er treet
du klynger deg bak
vil sove, gi deg hen være der ikke der du er.

Det eneste du kan er å forevige, ødelegge
 flerre lyset gjennom natta skremme dette forsøket
 på hvile på sammenheng
mørkt igjen du hører meg løpe kvister knekker
 din etterlengtede nærhet sletter mine spor

WICKED GAME - Chris Isaak

Roger Waters - Three Wishes

"I go there sometimes twice a year now, or sometimes only once. Or sometimes when I feel like grying I just go there.."

From one deer to another (text in Norwegian)

From "Exit Dreamland" cooperation with Ella Fiskum, Photo: Christian Elgvin.

" Jeg stikker mitt lange hode over kanten
hornene så vidt synlige bak
Hva får deg til å tro at jeg ikke hører deg?
De små dumpe dunkene dine
Høyere når jeg står rett foran deg

Jeg gjør kroppen min synlig, en bit av gangen
Den lange halsen skuldrene lave, mine lange
hårete forbein
kroppen like hel.

Jeg snubler litt tirrende for å gi deg forsprang
du urørlig, jeg klar til å løpe
Vi langt inni hverandre til det ytterste
lager stylter til stiger høyt, får flik av din himmel
du ser det ikke
jeg mater vi blir."

"Jeg grodd fast bak treet
vet du finner det der etter slit
ikke holde ut greiner tykke og kalde
isen er kommet jeg trår med vaklende tær

pelsen min puster et lite hull på høyre flanke
du vet min svakhet jeg lenker meg fast i din tanke
det er ikke lenger enn du kan forstå
men vit du kan nå meg våt og kald

ikke se på oss så lenge
vi brenner våre spor
det er meg du vil ha hvorfor spørre
trekk til deg greiner og kratt du gjemmer deg bak
jeg blir båret av din varme

Bakerst truende fjell høye
under byen med stjerner jeg glemte
jeg midt i mellom ingenting i mørket
skrittene klynker seg fast i ditt øre
tråkker over tørre kvister vil inn til noe

torsdag 13. januar 2011

Salmon Circus.

"I was holding the white slippery salmon with my sensitive hands. It didnt say anything, it was just so grey and cold.  The river was frightening and wanting.  How can i leave this feeling in my hands after begging it not to swin too far? It came back. my hands."

photo: Christian Elgvin

onsdag 12. januar 2011

"I mr. Ranger, or just Fred, if you like..."

...,  was the first one who got to the accident. I throw myself down to the ground, like an animal in excitement of the scenery in front of me, I held my arms like if I had a gun. The forest was angry. Mean.

I saw a letter. White shining paper lying in front of me. And then I saw her. (I had no gun, so my arms fell down, hitting my body, everything is so clear now..) the frosty moonlight fell on her white body. Her body. Her legs , her fingers, red lips… aaahh, she moved her lips, like she wanted to say: "I got to.. I....can´t. My sister.. "

I focused on the paper, a letter, my fingers white and cold.

Carefully I put my hands in the white gloves, which I always have in my pocket near my heart, starting to read. I read it out load, I don’t know why, it was not easy to see the letters. My voice ran in front of me along the threes, car forgotten..

”During the night I sleep very slowly…you..
Each arm…near you, can you...?...
wake up. So warm. Sun. Guess someone will find..
what´­s inside the..
Not now!   Us….
……so many hills. I drive too fast”

From that moment. I cant explain.. I love her. 

Salmon Circus.

Floor not ready yet, but girls, women, salmon and hands are!
"Listen carefully to the signs you´re given.."

well, the photo is taken by me and my notsogood camera.. remember that. There will come  beautiful photoes of this performance later.

tirsdag 11. januar 2011

Fever Ray "When I grow up"

Growing truth

a working-model


Loop loop loop works in the field of contemporary performing arts, mainly with site-spesific and site-conscious theatre. Loop loop loop´s performances occupy a space between consciousness and intuition, concrete and abstract. Every performance is a result of close collaboration between skilled people in different disiplines such as music, litterature, film and science.
I want to explore the theatre-form and in every production a new eximination is taken place. The arcitecture and the tradition of the space becomes part of the performance, collaboration with different disiplines is nescessary for the development of the dramaturgy and sites, and making a visual design during collaboration with a costume- and stagedesigner to get the aesthetic form we seek.
"I want to create complex pictures from reality as well as from our dreams to make a notion of something we already know but doesnt always have the right words for." Laura Christina Brøvig Vallenes/LOOP LOOP LOOP



mandag 10. januar 2011

the wall between two hearts

I got up from the ground, lying in front of the car. Mud and pines sticked to my jacket. I open the door, she is halfway awake, smiling. I lift her into my week arms. Holds her tight. I slowly guide her to dance. Like I love seeing her. Her body is strong after all.
After a long dance doing the things I want her to do, I carefully open her eyes, let her see me. Care for you, I whisper.

She starts to run. She falls, get up and then runs again. One hand hiding her eyes. She  finds a long white fabric, blondes  and velvet- like. Starts to hang it from the threes. It’s a curtain, a room is build infront of me, our room. She makes me see her, shows me different positions, like posing for me. She stops and look at me. For a long time we stand like this, measuring the silent distance.

After the Cake..

You will enter this frame guided by a child´s hand. 

søndag 9. januar 2011

Thank you:

Kristiansand Kommune
Vest-Agder Fylkeskommune
Cultiva Express
Abup, Sørlandets Sykehus.
Norsk Kulturråd for manusutviklingsstøtte.
Generator for tekstutviklingsverksted
Natur Expo for all the animals
Dampbakeriet for making the biggest chocolate-princesscake
Om igjen! for the chairs in the classroom.
Bjarne for the smashed car.
Harald Stensland for lights
Cuba Life! for the coffee and the servings in the lounge!!
Olav Grendstad for directing the children.
Andreas for all the moltons.


 "Twin Peaks"
 "Blue Velvet"
 "Mulholland Drive"
Eg Psyiciatric Hospital, Kristiansand.

Here is a few inspirationphotoes. I mostley get my inspiration from visiting different weird sites, like this hospital, travelling with car deep into strange roads, seeing movies, in magazines and artist like Matthew Barney, David Lynch, Bjørk, Martin de Thurah and a lot more. I just want to give you an idea, a sense of the feeling I try to make.

Brigitte Bardot.

"Lost Highway" David Lynch
"Blue Velvet" David Lynch
from one of the rooms at "The Whiteforest Hotel". Now a sheriff-office.
From SMUG.
"Twin Peaks" by David Lynch

The Idea behind this performance:

In 2009 I began my work on the manuscript "The Blackforst Hotel". This work was funded by The Artistic Council in Norway to develop.

This performance is a result of halfway following this manuscript and halfway the awareness of this extraordinary building it will take place in. Its a psyciatric hospital. The manuscript is about Sigrid waking up from a car accident and will go on until she knows that she has killed her love, Fred.
There is also another character "The Whiteswan-twin".  The twin is Sigrids shadow and blindfolds her from memories of this accident, Fred is a ranger and owner of a Hotel Sigrid checks in to. He is the seeker of truth. In the last room he makes her understand what she has done. Killed him. The text is a mix between dialouges and poems.

I was allowed to use my regions oldest and castle-like psyciatric hospital for this performance. A hospital that is in use for pacients. The scenes that takes place on the top floor is made with the awareness of the hospitals rooms and arcitecture. This is a Site-spesific with a theme. We have made a reception, a big chocolate-cakeroom, a sheriff- office, corridores, bedroom for girls and there is an old partyroom where we have planted a three in the floor, growing up the walls and fills the ceiling. At the end audience will get coffe´and a photoexibition in the hotels Lounge.

Welcome to "the Whiteforest Hotel" 27-30 january 2011, Sørlandets Sykehus, Kristiansand. Norway. The performance starts outside the administration where the car-accident will take place. You will follow the twins into the hotel, beeing welcomed by  the owner/ Fred. You have to check in before two little twins will guide you through this weird journey of Sigrids world.

onsdag 5. januar 2011

These people makes your stay at "The Whiteforest Hotel" comfortable, extraordinary and not to forget:

A LOOP LOOP LOOP production:

Artistic director: Laura CB Vallenes
Scenography: Erik Faber- Swensson/ Karakter, Laura CB Vallenes
Actors: Morten Liene, Kristina Knaben Hennestad, Laura CB Vallenes and Friteateret v/Olav Grendstad
Music: Leon Muraglia
Lightdesign: Jørgen Isaksen
Costumeconsultant: Veronica B Vallenes
Photo: Arild Danielsen
Chocolate- princess Cake: Dampbakeriet v/ Espen Albert
Animals: Natur Expo, fam. Rømteland
Coffe from Cuba Life! by Steinar Svenning.
